

Mayor of Sochi: Russia Grand Prix in Formula 1 is held in 2014

Mayor of Sochi: Russia Grand Prix in Formula 1 is held in 2014

Sochi mayor said on Friday that Russian one round of the FIA

World Formula 1 car will be held there in November

The second in 2014, despite the delay in the construction of the arena operations.

Said Anatoly Bakhumov told reporters in Moscow "will be held (the race) in the

November after the Winter Olympics in 2014. "

In the past year, according to Russian media, citing sources inside

Russian Automobile Federation (FIA) that work in the ring, which cost 200 million

Dollar has stopped.

But Bakhumov denied any doubts about the work is completed in a timely manner.

The mayor of Sochi, "local government monitors closely work

Construction in the ring. Things go according to plan. "

"If there are problems we will ask the help of Russian regions

Other. "

Russia signed in 2010 an agreement for a period of seven years with Bernie

Ecclestone is responsible for the commercial rights to Formula 1 for the establishment of a round

Tournament at the resort overlooking the Black Sea from 2014 to 2020.

The host Sochi Winter Olympics in February 2014.